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Add comments to your tables columns

I’ve been looking for a way to add default comments on models attributes for ages!

By default, Rails adds comments to some attributes like id (not null, primary key for instance.)

But now, I can add my own. For example, I can specify the unit for a duration column. It’s like Yard documentation for methods, but for attributes.

These default comments are defined in your schema.rb, so gems like annotate will pick them up. No need to worry about overwrite anymore.

  class Book
    # == Schema Information
    # Table name: books
    #  id          :integer    👉 not null, primary key 👈
    #  duration    :integer   👉 in seconds 👈

See this lil’ in seconds above, that’s me, adding extra documentation to my tables column so my teamates don’t have to guess the unit.

Here’s how to do that in a migration adding a new column:

class AddDurationToBooks < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0]
  def change
    add_column :books, :duration, :integer, comment: "in seconds", default: 0, null: false

I can also add a default comment to an existing attribute:

class AddCommentToBooksDuration < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0]
  def change
    change_column_comment(:books, :duration, from: nil, to: "in seconds")

Passing a hash containing :from and :to will make this change reversible in migrations.

Go and document those attributes!


Rémi - @remi@ruby.social