Enough RSpec
How to force the user as the serializer’s scope:
# spec/serializers/book_serializer_spec.rb
RSpec.describe BookSerializer do
subject(:serialized_book) { serialize(book, scope: user) }
let(:user) { create :user }
let(:book) { ... }
# test stuff
Based on how you define the it
part, different behaviors are to be expected:
# spec/serializers/things_controller_spec.rb
RSpec.describe ThingsController do
subject { post :create, params: params }
# Implicitly calls subject
it { is_expected.to redirect_to(thing_path(Thing.last)) }
# Explicitly call subject
it "redirects to the new thing's show" do
expect(subject).to redirect_to(thing_path(Thing.last))
# Does not call subject
# For this test to work, a before { subject } is needed
it 'has correct flash message' do
expect(flash[:notice]).to eq "The thing has been created."
- Sometimes, it’s easier to return an OpenStruct with the ad hoc attributes, than relying on factories. Especially if these are crippled with complicated setup or if you don’t need a full factory for the return.
Just wrote this for mocking the return value of a facade sub-class (SomeDomainName::FacadeTo3rdPartyAPI::Response
let(:expected_response) do
OpenStruct.new(content: "art, renaissance, Giotto")